The U.S. Navy Marksmanship Team (USNMT) represents the Department of the Navy in inter-service and national competitions. Our mission is to identify, support and develop qualified Navy competitors to represent the Navy at competitions while training Sailors in marksmanship and small arms safety.
USNMT History
Navy competitive marksmanship began in 1907 when the first Navy rifle team won the “dogs of war” team trophy at the national matches at Camp Perry, Ohio. For the next 50 years, Sailors represented the Navy at all levels of competition including the Olympics. Seeing the value of using competitors as instructors, in 1957, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Arleigh Burke, an ardent supporter of small arms proficiency, took steps to get the Navy’s marksmanship training program on course by issuing a directive establishing marksmanship instructor billets throughout the Navy. To find marksmanship experts, records were searched to locate the top rifle and pistol marksman on active duty in the Navy. The Chief of Naval Personnel selected 32 highly qualified sailors as the core of the Navy's marksmanship team. The Small Arms Training Unit (SATU) was also established at Naval Training Center San Diego and served as the nucleus of skilled marksmen to compete, instruct, coach, and function as match officials at Navy-wide and national matches.
Over the years, the SATU was dis-established and Navy marksmanship experienced many changes and re-organization. However, the Navy Marksmanship Team (USNMT) continued to support competitive marksmanship with Sailors who dedicate their time and talent to advance precision marksmanship. Today, team members from all officer designators and enlisted rates compete and train Sailors in the fundamental and advanced skills supporting precision marksmanship. Additionally, each year at the annual Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) national pistol and rifle matches, Sailors from the USNMT compete while providing civilian marksmanship instruction and community outreach. The team can also be found competing at various matches around the country and at fleet concentration areas.