11 January 2023 SURFACE NAVY ASSOCIATION NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM REMARKS AS DELIVERED Well, good morning everyone. Thank you for being here – more importantly, thanks to Rick, Dave, and Bill for inviting me to speak again! To be honest, as a submariner, when I spoke here last year I wasn’t sure I’d make it through my remarks without at least a few surface
27 August 2022 USS Enterprise keel laying ceremony Good morning everyone – Under Secretary Raven, Representatives Luria, Scott, and Wittman; Ms. Boykin; fellow Flag Officers; distinguished guests; and most importantly, Ms. Katie Ledecky and Ms. Simone Biles – our ship sponsors – thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to celebrate
31 May 2022 INTREPID MEMORIAL DAY CEREMONY Adm. Daryl Caudle delivers the keynote address at the Memorial Day ceremony aboard the USS Intrepid during Fleet Week New York.
09 April 2022 Groton Submarine Birthday Ball REMARKS AS PREPARED:Wow - Well, good evening! Thanks RDML Muckian for that kind introduction.Distinguished guests, industry partners, spouses, family, friends, and most importantly - the men and women of the finest Submarine Force the world has ever known - happy 122nd birthday!I just scorched
21 March 2022 2022 CENTENNIAL OF NAVAL AIRCRAFT CARRIERS DINNER Remarks as delivered:Good evening everyone! Let me begin by extending my sincere gratitude to Maryellen Baldwin, Linda Irmen, and Brie Kingsbury who lead the Navy League of Hampton Roads, for hosting this wonderful event.I’d also like to take a quick moment to recognize and thank Governor Youngkin,
05 March 2022 2022 SEABEE BIRTHDAY BALL Thank you, Lore (RDML Aguayo), for the kind introduction - and let me start off by saying, ‘Happy Birthday’ Seabees! You don’t look a day over 80 years old!
12 January 2022 2022 Surface Navy Association National Symposium Remarks - ADM Caudle Well, good morning! I’m going to make this really easy. For our representatives here today, you can put me down on the record – I want more ships! I don’t want a CR. I want a bigger budget, and I want more than one-third. Thank you, Roy, for the kind introduction – and a
07 December 2021 USFFC Change of Command Final Remarks - ADM Grady Thanks again Opie. ADM Richard, thank you for stepping in and presiding over today’s ceremony, and I thank you and General Vanherck for honoring us today. I’m truly humbled by your very kind words, your leadership, mentorship, and friendship these last three years.And once again, thanks to everyone
07 December 2021 USFFC Change of Command Remarks - ADM Caudle Good Morning!Admiral Richard, General VanHerck, distinguished guests, fellow Flag and General Officers – thank you for being here today on the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.With me here are three extraordinary leaders with whom I have had the distinct pleasure of serving with on
26 May 2021 Keynote Address: 14th International Mine Technology Symposium Remarks as delivered by Adm. Christopher W. Grady, commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command.