As part of USFFC's mission to train, certify, and provide combat-ready Navy forces to combatant commanders, USFFC N46 directorate provides comprehensive support of ashore related issues such as environmental planning for home basing/homeporting in the continental United States of new or relocated aircraft and ships, associated aircraft noise analysis and land-based range sustainment including range clearance and weapons impact safety analysis. These efforts provide critical support to fleet readiness and compliance with environmental law world-wide.
HOME BASING / HOMEPORTING Prior to making a decision on home basing aircraft and homeporting ships as part of our national defense strategy, the Navy considers the potential environmental consequences of a proposed action and reasonable alternatives in making informed decisions.
AIRCRAFT TRAINING (FCLP) The skills required to complete carrier landings must be routinely practiced by pilots of all experience levels to maintain the requisite level of proficiency.
AIRCRAFT NOISE MODELING The Navy prepares comprehensive noise studies to understand noise associated with airfield operations.
RANGE CLEARANCE An environmentally beneficial program that removes and recycles munitions and targets from Navy ranges.