Command Guidance
Per OPNAVINST 6100.3A, commanders, commanding officers, and officers-in-charge are held accountable and must be personally involved in monitoring the DHA process to ensure that every Sailor's health concerns are addressed.
Command leadership with supporting medical personnel will use the Medical Readiness Reporting System (MRRS) as a tool to track their Sailor's DHA. Prior to departing, but within 30 days after the start of deployment, Sailors will be identified in MRRS using "Deploy" tab to indicate the start and estimated end date of the deployment; indicating the dates which the DHAs are to be completed.
Based on the deployment data entered into MRRS, reports can be generated to indicate Sailors currently deployed and Sailors requiring the Post-Deployment Health Assessment (PDHA) and Post-Deployment Health Re-Assessment (PDHRA). Those Sailors who require a DHA should be referred to their command's supporting medical provider to complete the appropriate DHA.
Commands can expedite post deployment DHA compliance by following these actions:
a. Appoint a command DHA compliance coordinator to track DHA requirements and compliance for command personnel.
b. Identify in MRRS, Sailors who will require DHAs within 30 days after departing on deployment.
c. Generate detailed reports by UIC from MRRS at least twice a month for monitoring Sailors currently deployed or who will have redeployed/returned and require the PDHA DD2796 form or PDHRA DD2900 form.
• Ensure Sailors are compliant with the requirement by having the complete the appropriate DHA when MRRS shows they are "Due." Ensure sailors who are overdue complete DHA as soon as possible unless it is not required and adjudicate as required.
d. Incorporate DHA requirements on command pre-and post-deployment checklists.
e. Validate DHA completions as part of unit check-in/check-out processing.
MRRS access is available to commands by going to the MRRS website (CAC required), downloading the SAAR form and sending the completed form to the service point of contact found in the MRRS FAQ on the main page.
DHA Reporting
Per OPNAVINST 6100.3A, U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFFC) is the executive agent for deployment health assessment process and reports DHA compliance to the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) via OPNAV N17 (formerly N135) on a quarterly basis. Reports are derived from the information in MRRS and organized by budget submitting office (BSO). Compliance is determined on a monthly basis and is based on the number of complaint DHAs divided by the number of Sailors that returned in a given month. The DoD compliance requirement is >95%. Commands with DHA Compliance >95% are satisfactory and meet the standard, 80-95% need improvement, and <80% are unsatisfactory.
Ensuring DHA compliance contributes to warfighting and readiness by sending ready Sailors forward, and that we are taking care of our Sailors and families once they have returned.