17 June 2022 Navy to Christen Guided-Missile Destroyer John Basilone The Navy will christen the future USS John Basilone (DDG 122) during a 10:30 a.m. EDT ceremony on Saturday, June 18, at General Dynamics Bath Iron Works in Bath, Maine.
09 May 2022 USS Frank E. Petersen, Jr. (DDG 121) set for Charleston commissioning ceremony USS Frank E. Petersen, Jr.. (DDG 121) will be commissioned, Saturday, May 14 at 10:00 a.m. EST at the Port of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina.
28 April 2022 Naval Information Forces Hosts Inaugural Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summit Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR) hosted the inaugural Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Summit, April 21-22, 2022, in Suffolk, Va.More than 150 Sailors, civilian and guest attended the event, representing Navy Information Warfare commands from around the globe. The summit is specifically
28 April 2022 Navy Exchange Service Command Provides Critical Assistance in Times of Crisis The Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM) serves as a strategic asset around the globe for the U.S. Navy’s crisis response.
19 April 2022 U.S. Fleet Forces Command, Navy Installations Command Conduct Hurricane Response Exercise The first week of HURREX/CG 22 simulates storm systems developing along the U.S. Atlantic coast and in the Gulf of Mexico, which will engage fleet and shore commands to rehearse heavy weather response procedures. The storms’ notional increasing intensity will drive simulated ship sorties,
13 April 2022 Navy Recovers E-2D Hawkeye that crashed near Wallops Island, Virginia The Navy successfully recovered the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye that crashed in the vicinity of Wallops Island and Chincoteague Apr. 12.
03 April 2022 Unified Command Safely De-Fuels E-2D Hawkeye from Fatal Wallops Island Crash Interagency members assigned to the unified command supporting salvage operations for the Navy E-2D Advanced Hawkeye that crashed in the vicinity of Wallops Island and Chincoteague safely de-fueled the aircraft April 2.
31 March 2022 Salvage planning efforts are underway for E-2D Advanced Hawkeye that crashed near Wallops Island, Virginia Salvage planning efforts are underway for the Navy E-2D Advanced Hawkeye attached to Airborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW) 120 that crashed in the vicinity of Wallops Island and Chincoteague, Va, March 30. The crash, which left one service member dead and two injured remains under
16 March 2022 Fleet Battle Problem 2022-1 Underway in the Atlantic U.S. Fleet Forces Command will conduct Fleet Battle Problem (FBP) 22-1 from March 16-21 ashore and off the coast of Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, to develop integrated maritime capabilities with the U.S. Marine Corps and Naval Special Warfare community. FBPs are live, virtual, and constructive
12 January 2022 Fleet Forces Delivers Remarks at SNA 2022 Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, Adm. Daryl Caudle, spoke at the Surface Navy Association’s 34th Annual National Symposium in Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2022.