28 August 2023 Florida U.S. Navy bases prepare for arrival of Tropical Storm Idalia JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The Navy has ordered all ships and aircraft to make preparations for the arrival of Tropical Storm Idalia.Ships will begin departures from Naval Air Station Mayport today and tomorrow or complete heavy weather mooring if required to stay in port. Aircraft will initiate
04 May 2023 Navy Housing Introduces Unaccompanied Housing ‘Bill of Rights & Responsibilities’ WASHINGTON - Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) has implemented a ‘Bill of Rights & Responsibilities’ for Unaccompanied Housing (UH), which outlines resident rights that are guaranteed by Navy Housing as well as resident responsibilities for maintaining the space where they
19 April 2022 U.S. Fleet Forces Command, Navy Installations Command Conduct Hurricane Response Exercise The first week of HURREX/CG 22 simulates storm systems developing along the U.S. Atlantic coast and in the Gulf of Mexico, which will engage fleet and shore commands to rehearse heavy weather response procedures. The storms’ notional increasing intensity will drive simulated ship sorties,
01 February 2021 Fleet Forces, Installations Conduct Force Protection Exercise The Navy is conducting a series of security exercises nationwide to enhance the readiness of its security forces Feb. 1-12.