Fleet Battle Problem 2022-1 Underway in the Atlantic
16 March 2022
U.S. Fleet Forces Command will conduct Fleet Battle Problem (FBP) 22-1 from March 16-21 ashore and off the coast of Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, to develop integrated maritime capabilities with the U.S. Marine Corps and Naval Special Warfare community.
FBPs are live, virtual, and constructive training scenarios; and the primary mechanism for generating standardized, actionable data to assess operational concepts and their validity for employing advanced warfighting capabilities. FBP 22-1 will test homeland and self-defense concepts ashore and at sea, special operations integration, and the use of unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV).
“Fleet Battle Problems are where we create the “knife in the teeth” mentality of our naval forces. During this integrated evolution with our Marine and Naval Special Warfare warriors, we are excited to test new operational concepts and refine our tactics, techniques, and procedures,” said Adm. Daryl Caudle, commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command. “These routine warfighting experiments enable bold leaders to think outside the box and maximize training to ensure the Fleet is forged to fight.”
FBP 22-1 will develop Expeditionary Advanced Base (EAB) capabilities to support UUV operations, integrate underwater and airborne passive and active sensors, and test anti-swarm and point defense at the EAB and aboard the Amphibious Ready Group-Marine Expeditionary Unit (ARG-MEU). FBP 22-1 will build upon the lessons learned from Large Scale Exercise 2021 and past FBPs.
The U.S. Navy’s ability to conduct integrated operations around the globe across the full-spectrum of military operations is a core requirement for maintaining maritime superiority during this era of strategic competition. FBPs occur on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts multiple times a year and are designed to test coordinated fleet capabilities.
For more news from U.S. Fleet Forces Command, visit www.usff.navy.mil and for more information visit www.facebook.com/usfleetforces or www.twitter.com/usfleetforces