01 December 2023 Navy Reserve Launches Mobilization and Deployment Support Command (MDSC) NORFOLK, Va - Mobilization and Deployment Support Command (MDSC) officially launched during a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Naval Station Norfolk, December 1, 2023. ...
26 October 2023 Profiles in Professionalism: Lt. j.g. Felix Boamah Lt. j.g. Felix Boamah made the transition from 2nd class petty officer to Lt. j.g. on August 5, 2023 at Navy Reserve Center (NRC) Charlotte. Boamah is looking forward to bringing his civilian skills, and passion, to the Navy Reserve. From a young age Boamah found himself in the position of a...
28 August 2023 Reserve Sailors Develop, Maintain Critical Skills in Mako Storm 23 NAVAL STATION NORFOLK— More than 60 Reserve Sailors from U.S. 5th Fleet, U.S. 3rd Fleet and U.S. Fleet Forces Command completed a four-day exercise July 16 to enhance their planning and operational capabilities...
23 June 2023 Profiles in Professionalism: ENS Liberty Zabala Reporter Liberty Zabala is standing in a flood zone in San Diego. The torrential California storm system has overtaken a roadway, stranding cars and keeping residents from leaving their homes. She rehearses her segment, which she crafted moments before based on what she found at the scene. Her...
07 June 2023 Navy Reserve Recognizes Outstanding Civilian Employers at NERE 2023 Rear Adm. W. Grant Mager, Reserve Deputy, Operations, Plans and Strategy, recognized over 45 civilian employers from across the nation for their exceptional support of Navy Reserve Sailors during the annual Navy Employer Recognition Event (NERE) June 7, 2023 in San Diego...
27 January 2023 Profiles in Professionalism: Boatswain's Mate Second Class Kayla Gathright Call it serendipity or coincidence, maybe even karma. For Boatswain's mate second class Kayla Gathright, in the face of prevailing winds, she prefers to call it determination “or having nothing to lose,” that led her to the title of Miss Oregon for America Strong 2022, during the state pageant in...
25 January 2023 MAKO Challenge Increases Warfighting Readiness for Navy Reserve NORFOLK, Va. - Reserve Sailors from U.S. Fleet Forces (USFF), U.S. 2nd Fleet, U.S. 4th Fleet, U.S. 6th Fleet, and U.S. 10th Fleet conducted MAKO Challenge 23, an operational level of warfare (OLW) exercise within a Maritime Operations Center (MOC) scenario, from Jan. 19-22 at the Navy Warfare...
14 September 2022 Navy Recognizes Four Ombudsmen with the Mrs. Sybil Stockdale Ombudsman of the Year Award In late July, the Navy announced in NAVADMIN 153/22 that four dedicated ombudsmen who went above and beyond in 2022 has earned the Mrs. Sybil Stockdale Ombudsman of the Year Award.Congratulations to• Mrs. Byrne Blumer, Ombudsman for Commanding Officer, USS SAN JUAN (SSN 751), selected from all sea...
12 September 2022 5th Fleet Reserve Sailors complete maritime operations center exercise in Norfolk NORFOLK, Va. - Members of the 10 Navy Reserve units that support U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) and U.S. 5th Fleet completed a maritime operations center exercise Sept. 8-11 in Norfolk -- the third in a series of exercises developed by Reserve Sailors and hosted by Naval Warfare...
24 August 2022 Driving To Inspire JACKSONVILLE, Fla. - Lt. Cmdr. Jesse Iwuji is a surface warfare officer in the Navy Reserve, and when he’s not serving his country, he is an Xfinity Series NASCAR driver. Iwuji balances the line between being a U.S. Navy Reserve Sailor and professional NASCAR driver every day...
15 July 2022 Chief of Navy Reserve Announces i3 Waypoints 2022 Winner WASHINGTON - Vice Adm. John B. Mustin, Chief of Navy Reserve and Commander, Navy Reserve Force announced Lt. Cmdr. Jonathan Calhoun’s “Leveraging Mobile Technology to Streamline Mobilization” as the winning entry of the inaugural i3 Waypoints in a streaming broadcast July 14...
31 May 2022 The TOPGUN Legacy: Making Mavericks with Capt. Brian Ferguson Capt. Brian “Ferg” Ferguson has spent a significant portion of his career involved with air-to-air combat training exercises like the one described above. Ferguson attended the Adversary Instructor Course at the Navy Fighter Weapons School, also known as TOPGUN. He also commanded the Fighting Saints...
17 March 2021 Navy Reserve Sailor Plays Critical Role in Supporting Diesel-Electric Submarine Initiative On a brisk, sunny February afternoon in northern Florida, Logistics Specialist 1st Class Darrell Moore is waiting for a call. Standing among office cubicles at the Naval Supply Systems Command's Fleet Logistics Center (NAVSUP FLC) Jacksonville, Moore holds two phones — one, a personal smart phone...
20 October 2020 Looking Forward: 15th Chief of Navy Reserve Shares Vision for the Future Chief of Navy Reserve, Vice Adm. John B. Mustin recently sat down for a one-on-one candid interview with The Navy Reservist magazine staff to talk about his experiences, motivations and early priorities for leading the Navy Reserve...