21 April 2023 Foreign Attachés Visit Naval Oceanography STENNIS SPACE CENTER, Miss. - Naval Oceanography hosted representatives from 13 countries, who saw firsthand the capabilities and missions that our 2500 Sailors and Scientists perform around the world, April 20, 2023. The visit provided an opportunity for the foreign attachés to tour our facilities...
21 June 2022 Celebrating World Hydro Day 2022 World "Hydro" Day 2022 marks the 101st anniversary establishing the International Hydrographic Organization, which sets the standard for hydrographic surveying and publication of safety of navigation products, June 21.World Hydro Day celebrations are designed to raise awareness about hydrography and...
11 June 2022 Naval Oceanography participates in BALTOPS22 Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command is participating in the 51st iteration of exercise Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) via the embarked Meteorology and Oceanography (METOC) detachments aboard the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) and the Blue Ridge-class command and control...