Maryland Fleet Week and Flyover Begins
08 September 2022
BALTIMORE, Md. - Ships from around the world sailed into the Port of Baltimore, kicking off Maryland Fleet Week and Flyover Baltimore (MDFW), Sept. 7, 2022.
This year's MDFW includes ship tours, Baltimore Inner Harbor flyovers, static displays, and Fleet Week festivals at multiple locations throughout Baltimore Sept. 7-13, both in-person and online. This is the third time Baltimore has hosted Fleet Week.
Participating ships include dock landing ship USS Carter Hall (LSD 50), Freedom-variant Littoral Combat ship USS Minneapolis-Saint Paul (LCS 21), Military Sealift Command (MSC) Spearhead-class expeditionary fast transport USNS Newport (T-EPF-12), Canadian Royal Navy Kingston-class coastal defense vessel HMCS Moncton (M-708), U.S. Coast Guard Cutter James Rankin (WLM-555), and Danish Tall Ship Danmark. National Oceanic and Atmospheric (NOAA), and Army Corps of Engineers vessels are also available.
Flyover units include Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 2, Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 1, Fighter Squadron Composite Twelve (VFC-12), Training Air Wing 4 (TW4), Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadrons 14 & 15 (HM-14; HM-15), and Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 365 (VMM-365) with flights scheduled Sept. 9-11.
Rear Adm. Nancy S. Lacore, Commandant, Naval District Washington, discussed the partnership between the Navy and Baltimore.
"Fleet Week is a tradition for Baltimore and the U.S. Navy that goes back years,” said Lacore. “Past Fleet Weeks proved just how magnificent this historic city, its port, and its people are and how skilled you are as partners to the Navy and planning and executing such a complex event. We are glad to be back for Fleet Week."
MDFW is an opportunity for the citizens of Maryland and the City of Baltimore to meet Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen, as well as see firsthand the latest capabilities of today’s maritime services. More than 2,300 sea service members are expected to participate this year.
For more information on ways to enjoy MDFW fleets, flights, and festivals, visit Follow @mdfleetweek on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter for an insider perspective through virtual ship tours and behind the scenes experiences.