Director of International Hydrographic Organization Visits Naval Oceanography
28 July 2022
STENNIS SPACE CENTER, Miss. - Representatives from International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the Republic of Korea toured Naval Meteorology and Oceanographic Command for an overview of operational capacities, July 28, 2022.
IHO’s visit reaffirms a partnership with the United States Navy spanning over 100-years, contributing to safe navigation of seas and oceans through oceanographic and hydrographic research.
“Thank you for the opportunity to visit Naval Oceanography’s facilities and especially for hydrography. This is another important and unique opportunity to make hydrography visible and important around the world and maritime community.” said Rear Admiral Luigi Sinapi, Director of IHO. “Thank you to Naval Oceanography for their commitment to hydrography and in the health of our ocean.”
The visiting group included: Rear Admiral Luigi Sinapi, Director, IHO and Mr. Sankil Lee, Counselor for Oceans and Fisheries, Embassy of Republic of Korea.
During the visit, IHO participated in various information sharing exercises targeting familiarization of operational capabilities within naval oceanography and hydrography.
“The U.S. Navy and IHO relationship goes back over 100 years of cooperation.” said Mr. Matthew Borbash, Deputy Hydrographer of the U.S. Navy. “Having Admiral Sinapi and Mr. Lee here with us today only strengthens and builds on that relationship.”
As one of the oldest intergovernmental organizations still in operation, IHO’s origins stem from several conferences dating back to 1899, addressing need for uniformity in charting and availability of hydrographic information——as well as exigency for advancement in navigation and marine environment safety.
The United States, along with 17 other nations, were part of IHO’s initial founding in 1921 under the original title International Hydrographic Bureau, now matured to 98 member states.
The marine environment is constantly changing, while hydrography is a tool nation-sates utilize to monitor changes and adapt naval activities——making the economic benefits of current marine-environment knowledge most considerable.
IHO works to ensure all the world’s seas, oceans, and navigable waters are surveyed and charted, thereby supporting safety of navigation and protection of the marine environment. Among many responsibilities, IHO coordinates activities of national hydrographic offices and sets standards promoting uniformity in nautical charts, documentation, and surveys, which provide guidelines to maximize the use of hydrographic information.
U.S. Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command directs and oversees more than 2,500 globally-distributed military and civilian personnel who collect, process and exploit environmental information to assist Fleet and Joint Commanders in all warfare areas to make better decisions, based on assured environmental information, faster than the adversary.