Cruise Missile Support Activity Atlantic Holds Change of Command Ceremony
03 December 2021
Family, friends, colleagues and shipmates gathered at Naval Station Norfolk to witness the time-honored tradition of a change of command ceremony coupled with a retirement ceremony.
Capt. Justin Fauntleroy was relieved by Capt. Joseph O’Brien as commanding officer of Cruise Missile Support Activity Atlantic (CSMALANT) Dec. 2.
Rear Adm. Carlos Sardiello, director, N3, Joint and Fleet Operations, U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFFC), served as the guest speaker.
“Your team professionally and efficiently produced over 9,000 TLAM [Tomahawk Land Attack Missile] missions in support of the global operational and contingency plans of seven combatant commanders,” said Sardiello. “This level of mission production is 20 percent higher than previous years.”
Sardiello said that because of Fauntleroy’s relentless focus on fleet readiness CMSALANT ensured all fleet commanders were provided the weapons system support they require to train, and if necessary, to fight and win as we defend far forward.
“Through ’Toof’s’ direct leadership, his team flourished,” said Sardiello. “It’s readily apparent that everyone under your command, from top to bottom, devoted themselves to doing the job right, and provided first-rate service to your customer – the center of the universe – our warfighters. That is a direct reflection upon your outstanding leadership. “Toof” job well done. You should be proud of what your team has accomplished during your time in command and your 24 years of service.”
Sardiello also welcomed O’Brien to the team and encouraged all CMSALANT Sailors and staff to continue to exceed all expectations.
During Fontleroy’s remarks, he shared sea stories, thanked his CMSALANT team for a job well done, and remarked that he’ll miss the people most of all.
“I’ll miss working with competent people every day,” said Fontleroy. “Every time I’d come into work and there was a job to do, it would get done. I never had to worry. Not sure if I’ll have the same experience in retirement.”
The mission of CSMALANT is to plan and distribute TLAM missions and associated Command and Control (C2) to Tomahawk launch platforms and C2 nodes worldwide in support of COCOMs.